Flower to Flower

“And furthermore, O king, those of the Bhikkhus who have taken upon themselves the extra vows, who desire little and are content, who would loathe any breach of the regulations as to the manner of seeking an alms, and beg straight on from hut to hut, as a bee smells flower after flower, and then go away into the loneliness of the woods, those who are indifferent as to their body and as to life, those who have attained to Arahatship, those who place the highest value on the virtues of the practice of the extra vows—such Bhikkhus are called, O king, “The judges in the Blessed One’s City of Righteousness.” Mil 6.4.1

“Ye pana te, mahārāja, bhikkhū dhutaṅ­ga­manugatā appicchā santuṭṭhā viñ­ñat­ti­ma­nesa­na­jigucchakā piṇḍāya sapadānacārino bhamarāva gandha­manu­ghāyitvā pavisanti vivittakānanaṁ, kāye ca jīvite ca nirapekkhā arahat­ta­manup­pattā dhutaṅgaguṇe agganikkhittāagga, evarūpā kho, mahārāja, bhikkhū bhagavato dhammanagare ‘akkhadassā’ti vuccanti.”

မင်းမြတ် အကြင်ရဟန်းတို့သည် ဓုတင်အကျင့်သို့ အစဉ်လိုက်ကုန်၏၊ အလိုနည်းကုန်၏၊ ရောင့်ရဲလွယ်ကုန်၏၊ မအပ်သော သိစေမှု မအပ်သော ရှားမှီးမှုတို့ကို စက်ဆုပ်ကုန်၏၊ ဆွမ်းအလို့ငှအိမ်စဉ်လှည့်လည်သော အကျင့်ရှိကုန်၏၊ ပျားပိတုန်းတို့သည် ရနံ့ကို စုပ်နမ်း၍ တောသို့ ဝင်ကုန်သကဲ့သို့ ထို့အတူ ဆိတ်ငြိမ်သော တောအရပ်သို့ ဝင်ကုန်၏၊ ကိုယ်၌လည်းကောင်း အသက်၌လည်းကောင်း ငဲ့ကွက်ခြင်းမရှိကုန်ဘဲ အရဟတ္တ​ဖိုလ်သို့ အစဉ်ရောက်ကုန်၏၊ ဓုတင်ဂုဏ်ကျေးဇူးကို အမြတ်ဟု ထားကုန်၏၊ မင်းမြတ် ဤသို့သဘောရှိကုန်သော ရဟန်းတို့ကို “မြတ်စွာဘုရား၏ တရားမြို့တော်ကြီး၌ တရားဆုံးဖြတ်သော တရားသူကြီးတို့” ဟူ၍ ဆိုအပ်ကုန်၏။

“Tâu đại vương, hơn nữa những vị tỳ khưu nào đã theo đuổi các pháp từ khước, ít ham muốn, tự biết đủ, chán ghét sự yêu cầu và sự tầm cầu sai trái, đi khất thực theo từng nhà, tợ như các con ong hút lấy hương hoa rồi đi vào khu rừng cô quạnh, không quan tâm đến thân thể và mạng sống, đã đạt được phẩm vị A-la-hán, đã được xem là tối thắng về đức hạnh của các pháp từ khước, tâu đại vương, những vị tỳ khưu như thế được gọi là ‘những vị quan tòa’ ở thành phố Giáo Pháp của đức Thế Tôn.”

Bee Fly ©Ashin Sopāka 2016